2024 EA CAMA Conference Blue Save the Date Night Scene English

2024 CAMA National Conference for Executive Assistants in Local Government

Nov 3 - 5, 2024 4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.

  • Type of Event: Conference

CAMA's first National Conference for Executive Assistants in Local Government will be held from November 3-5, 2024 in Fredericton, New Brunswick.  The target audience for this event is Executive Assistants working in local government in Canada, which may include Administrative Assistants, Legislative Coordinators, Office Coordinators, Clerks/Treasurers, and any front line or clerical staff that assist our members.

This event will provide a networking and professional development forum for Executive Assistants to reconnect, collaborate, share their success, and learn about the latest trends with their peers.  

2024 CAMA National Conference for Executive Assistants in Local Government